A tip on Facebook Ads

Do you fall into either of these categories?

1) You advertised your business on Facebook and didn’t get any results
2) Thinking about Advertising on Facebook and don’t know where to start

Here is a quick tip that might help:  Use Location Targeting by City.  Yes it takes longer to set up an ad for each city you want to target, but your results will increase dramatically! Think about it from your customer’s perspective, if your clients live in Worcester MA which is more likely to catch your prospective clients attention:

a) All manner of Classic American & English furniture handmade in America! Custom pieces made weekly (Sent to everyone on facebook that lives in MA)
b) Attention Worcester Mass residents, We carry Classic American & English furniture handmade in Worcester! (Sent to Worcester Ma people on facebook who list “English furniture” as an interest of their’s)

This is just 1 small example for 1 particular business segment. Will this approach work with every business, no. But try and think outside the box and experiment with different ideas. If you are a business that sells products or services to consumers rather than other businesses, facebook will work. You just need to figure out what your customers will respond best to.

Blog summary,

Targeted Facebook ads get you better results, but take longer to research and set up.